
Tuesday, July 16, 2013


The next morning we got up early to hike Mount Sibayak, the smaller of two volcanos that straddle Berastagi. The innkeeper hired a guide for us since the hike up can be tricky, and soon after day break we were off to the trail head. The trek took us through a forest and up above the tree line, over a steep and craggy landscape, to a massive crater at the top of the mountain. Fissures in the rock released hissing plumes of sulfuric mist - quite loud, and very smelly. The trail ran along a ridge that half-circled the crater and provided sweeping views of Berastagi and the valleys below. We hiked down on another path, and after a quick coffee, hitched a ride with some guys on motorbikes to a bus stop where we jumped a bus back into town. We’d hiked a volcano in the morning, and that afternoon we left Berastagi for Lake Toba.


  1. And there in the background of one picture is Sibayak, the volcano that overlooks Payung Village.

  2. Rita meant to say Sinabung, not Sibayak (which Jesse climbed)
