
Friday, May 29, 2009


There is a section of Sunrise Beach that is lined with all of these little stands that sell buckets. That is a plastic bucket, a little bottle of liquor, some sort of soda, and a little bottle of Red Bull (Thai Red Bull is equal to like ten Red Bulls in the US). You buy a bucket, throw in some ice, mix the ingredients, and go nuts. All of the stands sell the exact same thing, and probably for the same price. So what is it going to take for one stand to stick out above the rest? At one point someone must have wrote the word "fuck" on the front of their stand and consequently noticed an increase in bucket sales. Well, the trend caught on, and the names of the stands are pretty funny. A lot of them say things like "Jen's Cheap Fucking Bucket" or "Cheap Fuck Bucket Love You Long Time"... you get the idea. But my favorite was "Brad Pitt! Fuck My Bucket". I don't know, I thought that was funny...

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